Thursday, May 14, 2009

Appearing after the Resurrection

Scripture for the week:
They all met together and were constantly united in prayer, along with Mary the mother of Jesus, several other women, and the brothers of Jesus. Acts 1:14 NLT

Thursday reading:
John 20,21

key verse (s): All, listing the 4 appearances of Jesus after his ressurrection and before his ascension.

observations & questions:
  1. Jesus appears to Mary Magdalene (John 20:11-18)

    Sunday morning – day of resurrection
At the tomb, she is standing outside, she saw someone standing there and presumed it was the gardener

she turned and saw someone standing there.

go and tell your brothers and the Ascension

Interesting note:
Jesus lets here know he has not yet ascended to the Father

  1. Jesus appears to the disciples minus Thomas (John 20:19-22)
Sunday evening– day of resurrection

at a meeting behind locked doors because they were afraid of the Jewish leaders.

suddenly Jesus was standing there among them.

peace, being sent, receive the holy spirit, forgiveness of sins

Interesting note:
Jesus breathed on them and said “receive the Holy spirit.
This was before Pentecost.

  1. Jesus appears to Thomas and the disciples (John 20:24-28)
Eight days later – so Monday of the second week

The doors were locked.

even though the doors were locked suddenly Jesus was standing there among them.

peace, and showing Thomas his hands and his side

Interesting note:
Blessed are those who believe without seeing me.

  1. Jesus appears to Several of the Disciples: Simon Peter, Thomas, Nathanael, the sons of Zebedee, and two others (John 21:
Later – so past eight days

Were in the boat fishing

At dawn someone called out to them from the beach “Fellows, have you caught any fish? Then he said throw out your net to t he right-hand side.
John said to Peter “It’s the Lord”. Peter swims to the shore and the other disciples follow in the boat with a full net of fish.

do you love me, feed my sheep

Interesting note:
John says this was the third time he had appeared to the disciples.
Some wondered if it was Jesus. I wonder what about his look made them question.

Lord, I want to be aware that you may show up at anytime in my life. Thank you that you understand the human frame and know what will help them to have faith in you.

Learning Agenda:
Live - lesson 5 Living in Victory

We are free in Christ, but experiencing that freedom requires something additional. It means dealing with areas of sin and strongholds and allowing Christ to be Lord of every area of our lives.

Old habits die hard. Selfishness is hard to give up. We're born with the propenisty to think, "it's all about me." The sin of pride and self-sufficiency, in fact, is one of the most deeplh rooted sins. to reach spiritual freedom, you must allow christ to rule your life.

God, You are an amazing God, Your ways are so wise and so above and beyond the ways of humanity.

thank you for health, thank you for a city like Lubbock to live in, thank you for simple things like getting to eat out at a places where other people serve us. thank you for a house to live in with so many modern luxeries, like running water, air conditioning, yards to play in. Thank you for times with family like this past mothers day. Thank you for bringing me close to my whole family.

I pray today for those who represent us in our Texas government. Lord direct there lives, speak wisdom into their minds, give them discernment to vote against evil policies and to vote for those policies that would encourage your ways.

I pray for prayer at Experience Life. Lord let us grow in prayer and how we pray. continue to teach us to pray. Continue to grow our body of believers in the art of prayer. Let us be known as those who call upon the Lord.

I pray you meet all my families needs financially, emotionally and spiritually today. God prepare godly spouses for both of my children. Bring godly influences into their lives that they might know you and follow you all of their days.

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